Introduction: PVC Trunking Window Sort

Having to last in Dixieland east Asia, one of the biggest wellness
threat we face, are mosquitoes. Every year, thousands of people are killed by diseases spread from mosquitoes here in my rural area. I face up the same supply, straight-grained though I'm living about 75m above sea pull dow or around 10 storeys tall, mosquitoes are still able to find its way through the windows to suck my blood! And nowadays, new viruses like zika are diffusing across equator, or anywhere else that's hot and humid.

Installing becoming mosquito window screens are very pricy present! It price almost 50 decent meals just to fix a 120cm x 120cm screen. There are many poor in the country where 50 meals mean very much to them. And imagine that they have to set u the concealment to the entire house. That is a lot of meals for the family they have to skip.

This tutorial I will be showing you how to make a mosquito screen victimization Premature ventricular contraction trunking. Why do I use Polyvinyl chloride trunking? The reason would be for the sake of enduringness. Our environment is always sunny and rainy on each day basis. Hence, a wooden screen like this, could not last long in the sun and rain. The wood will crack over rain and long term UV exposure in the sun.

Comparing to magnetic screens, I heard they are not that imperishable and unremarkably will last only a few days. And it is not cheap too.

Step 1: Preparation and Sieve Design

You need the following tools and material to make yourself a PVC trunking mosquito window screens.


  1. Penitentiary knife
  2. Electric drill with size 2.5 drill
  3. Pencil
  4. Measuring tape / ruler


  1. PVC trunking pipes 3/4 column inch
  2. PVC cement (best using PVC adhesive glue)
  3. Garden wiring /zip tie
  4. Aluminum mesh/meshing of your choice(preferable UV insusceptible)
  5. Aluminum L shape thingy


  1. Drilling skill
  2. Gluing skill
  3. Pen knife cutting skill


Depends on how many screen you need to hit. For me IT takes about 1 full mean solar day to complete 1 window screen of about 60CM x 160CM.

Screen design:

You will have to make 2 identical PVC trunking frame for a windowpane test. After you made 2 frames, you will have to sandwich the mesh 'tween 2 PVC trunking frames by using postcode tie or garden wires.

Step 2: The Blueprint

Always start with a PROPER Plan. Sit down and disembowel the plan of your windows. Measure the width and length of the Windows as for myself I careful about 0.5cmshorter so that I am able to microscope slide the screen. Design your screen whether you wishing your shield to swoop? Or are you going to stick the screen there and leave information technology as it is evermor. Rich person a good look at your Windows too, and solve if the curtain vilify will move in your way? Your windowpane latch's conception and etc.

Proper planning helps you to estimates the material you are about to purchase too.

Tips: do add at least a muntin if your window is Thomas More than 2 feet 60cm long or wide. Otherwise the frame will not be strong enough to hold the entire window screen properly.

Step 3: Cut 'em Up!

After you designed your plan, it's sentence to put the programme to work!

Use Write knife to cut the PVC trunking (or if you know the proper method of cutting, function them). There are basically 2 method to cut the PVC trunking's base and natural covering, which is the corner and also in the midst section.

First of all, pry ajar the PVC trunking and begin to cut as instructed in pictures affiliated.

Tips: what I do is I always injured the PVC trunking to the height of the window and slide the PVC trunking vertically to make sure the height measuring is not too long otherwise you won't be able to slide around the windows. Cutting off a PVC trunking for its breadth and measure if it is wide enough to cover the windowpane.

Step 4: Stick 'pica Up

The screen relies on the PVC trunking meanspirited as its couc. So, we need to glue the base of the frame base on your design.

Place the PVC turnking base along a fixed floor. Paste the corners together. Appropriate the glue to totally Parched, this may strike to 2 hours. (Follow the instructions written happening the sticky label)

Tips: I used my floor tiles as 90 degree measurement, it is not a correct way, merely I do not have a proper equipment to do sol, that's wherefore my screen out is a little prohibited of shape.

Remember, you will have to make 2 monovular PVC trunking frame.

Tips: employ something to bear down while you glue them, such as a dictionary. I used ikea stools and they were ideal.

Step 5: Bore… She Said

When the base frame is completely desiccated, it is time to drill holes on the frames.

Here's some suggestion to where you should drill the holes. Refer to the attached picture.

Place 2 of the establish together back to back, and drill 2 holes about 1 column inch apart from each other where you will be tying up the postcode ties/ garden wires.

Tips: tie the corners of the frames in one case you drilled it. It helps your frames to hitch in topographic point so that you do not drill the holes at different floater for some the theme frames

Step 6: Sandwich 'mut

Now you have both the PVC base frames trained. Space the mesh between both the PVC base border, role something sharp and long such Eastern Samoa a pen, poke through the holes to make the mesh does non block the holes. And then utilisation the garden wire to poke through the holes and tie them together.

Information technology is a bit hard to put them all in place. But be patience you wish Be able to make it.

tips: work from left to right side of the put, this helps to keep the net scrunched improving

Footmark 7: Cover Leading

Afterward you sandwich the mesh with zip tie-up or garden wire, cover the frame with the PVC trunking cover. Cut them into proper distance and cut the corners as attached pictures.

Snap them all together to cover the wires/zilch ties.

At once your mosquito sort IS COMPLETE!

Step 8: The Sill

I secondhand a 3/4 inch L shape aluminum Browning automatic rifle As the window speed and bring dow sills.

Now drill the L attribute aluminum. For my sills, they are very lightweight, so I fundamentally drill 3 holes to hold up them firmly on the wall.

Tips: retrieve to engage your time and Cross the place u volition personify drilling. I ready-made mistake for drilling at the wrong section. Silly! The concrete walls were too strong that I can't pay back the house hold drill to practice session a hole. End aweigh I secondhand double sided 3M tape to get the sill. *Been there for a couple of months now and IT's still fine, thankfully!

Put over your mosquito screen into the sills and YOU ARE DONE!!!!! Now reward yourself a beer or orange juice if you're underage.

Step 9: Final Words

Here's the pro and cons of PVC trunking mosquito screen.


  1. Cheap – it is about 85% than correct window screen (as for where my region is)
  2. Unimportant –you don't take over to vexation the screen go over and dispatch your children. It weight about 1kg a screen of size 160x60cm
  3. Durability – don't worry about it getting in the sun and rain down
  4. Maintenance – very easygoing to clean. Information technology is basically piddle proof, wipe with damp cloths or just rinse it outside your backyard with a hose.


  1. Time - Requires a lot of time and energy to build the screens
  2. Yielding – the screen is way too negotiable and dented easily but sturdy enough to keep in place
  3. Not a proper screen – gaps between the windows allows bugs to cringe in. unless you flummox them on the windowpane with ambiguous sided tape.
  4. Retired of shape – I give done various of these Windows and it is selfsame hard to proceed them in exact 90 arcdegree at every quoin. Thus IT testament be slightly out of shape and that will cause the windows to be impotent to slide properly.

Get a load at the picture related to....

BOOM! Those bastards personal't biting nobody in my house no more. HA HA!!!!

I Leslie Townes Hope this Polyvinyl chloride trunking screen could give an idea for those who can't give to install a window screen. Also, this could be an alternative of any other screen DIY methods.

And I really, really Hope it helps to quash the number of zika, OR dengue cases as much as possible, especially those who can't afford proper windowpane screens.

As of writing this, I have already used the screens for few months. And it is however working great! During the day the daylight successful the mesh topology almost looked invisible to the eyes, but during night clock, there's a slight thoughtfulness from the light medulla connected aluminum mesh. Its been through heavy thread blows a few times and staying strong on the window.

I am not sure of the durability yet but I testament update the condition of the screens here in the future.

*UPDATE (7 February 2022):

Time flies, and information technology has been over 3 years i'm using the mosquito screen! it still serve Pine Tree State very well. Thither are no more signs of deteriorating, washed the screen often with fair hosing water with wet wearing apparel to clean the dust caught on the mesh. The PVC trunking is able to withstand harsh sunshine and rain.

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